The SOT Career Resource and Development (CRAD) Committee will host a webinar entitled “Taken for GrantEd: Funding for Toxicology Labs” on Wednesday, April 24, 2019, from 12:30 pm–1:30 pm. CRAD members Ben Kistinger, Kathryn Page, and I will co-chair the event.
The webinar abstract is as follows:
We often hear the phrase “funded investigators are made, not born,” but is there just one mold for a “made” funded investigator in the world of toxicology, which relies on external funding to “get the job done”? The field of toxicology is much broader than the mechanisms by which exogenous agents induce human disease, and although this area of toxicology represents a major area of funding for many toxicological researchers, other sources are available! Our first speaker is Dr. Deborah Keil from Montana State University. Dr. Keil will talk about funding that she has received from the Bureau of Land Management as well as from organizations that support Native American health. Dr. Laxmikant Deshpande of Virginia Commonwealth University has had success with funding from the Department of Defense through the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP). Dr. Kendall Wallace, a Past President of SOT from the University of Minnesota Medical School, will discuss his success both with traditional funding mechanisms (i.e., National Institutes of Health) as well as with funding from corporate entities.
All these researchers explore complex toxicological problems and have built their own molds for the funding that works best for their research interests, and they will share their stories of successes, failures, and lessons learned. Register for this webinar today!
Registration is required.