In January 2016, I received the Society of Toxicology (SOT) International ToxScholar Outreach Grant to visit my alma mater, NTR College of Veterinary Sciences, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Gannavaram, AP, India. This was one of my best and most successful visits to my home country. I cannot thank the SOT Education Committee enough for giving me this enthralling opportunity to make a strong impact on a group of students and faculty in India. The event was organized by the department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Professor Dr. Ravi Kumar Pentela played an important role in the success of this eventful meeting. Dr. Pentela, his students, and colleagues worked hard to put together this worthwhile program.
Dr. Achanta welcomes students to this program.
The event kicked off with a brief introduction that included acknowledgement of the funding from the SOT. I spoke on several topics including, but not limited to, pursuing graduate studies in toxicology, career opportunities, and my current research interests. Moreover, I engaged the students to participate in an activity through which they learned some dos and don’ts of scientific writing, which was liked by everyone and greatly appreciated by those students getting ready to construct their manuscripts for future publication.
Participation far exceeded expectations.
As a feedback comment, one of the students stipulated that, although there are several webinars and online sources available about scientific writing, career development in toxicology, and other topics, hearing from one of the alumnus was remarkably provocative. Moreover, we had to change the venue of this meeting from one auditorium to another hall in the middle to accommodate overwhelming attendance which reflected their enthusiasm.
Opportunity for informal networking.
After completion of all scheduled activities, students and faculty interacted with me asking simple yet important questions regarding career opportunities in the United States and research prospects. This session reminded me of my student life when I had similar questions before coming to the United States for graduate studies. Overall, it was a productive and thrilling outreach visit. The needs, obstacles, and questions the students had regarding career and education in the field of toxicology came to light and I did my best to provide answers to those issues.
I sincerely appreciate SOT's support of the outreach programs for developing countries. As a member of SOT, I encourage all other members to participate in these endeavors and help foster the advancement of science in developing countries.
Dr. Achanta is one of seventeen International ToxScholar visitors since the program began in 2010.
The next deadline for International ToxScholar applications is October 9, 2016.