

SOT Approves Two New Special Interest Groups and a Specialty Section Merger

By Ronald Hines posted 06-20-2019 01:53 PM


On behalf of SOT Council, I am pleased to announce the approval of two new Special Interest Groups: the Arab Toxicologists Association Special Interest Group (ATA) and the Out Toxicologists and Allies Special Interest Group (OTA). Enrollment into ATA and OTA will begin in late 2019 with the 2020 SOT dues cycle, so stay tuned for more information on how and when to join.

During its June meeting, Council also approved the merger of the Comparative and Veterinary Specialty Section (CVSS) and Toxicologic and Exploratory Pathology Specialty Section (TEPSS) into a new SOT Specialty Section to be called the Comparative Toxicology, Pathology, and Veterinary Specialty Section (CTPVSS). More details on the merger, how to join the “new” group, and more will be available in the coming months.


About ATA

Among its many objectives, ATA will aim to:

  • Address current toxicological issues that affect Arab nations and increase awareness of the involvement of toxic substances in causing diseases in those nations;
  • Promote the development of marginalized branches of toxicology in Arabic nations; and
  • Serve as an educational guide for Arabic studies in toxicological science.

About OTA

With a mission to support and promote scientists who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and related community members (LGBT+), OTA will focus on myriad objectives, including:

  • Promoting the recruitment and retention of LGBT+ individuals in toxicology-related professions;
  • Recognizing the scientific, mentoring, and leadership accomplishments of LGBT+ toxicologists and allies; and
  • Creating a forum for LGBT+ toxicologists and allies to share ideas and discuss issues regarding their professional development in the toxicological sciences.


This newly merged Specialty Section will address many of the same issues that were important to CVSS and TEPSS, such as:

  • Promoting the diverse application of in vivo animal models in toxicologic research, comparative and clinical toxicology, and experimental toxicologic pathology;
  • Exploring the effects of animal disease, nutrition, and other physiological confounding factors that affect toxicologic endpoints; and
  • Serving as the focal point for interaction of SOT members interested in veterinary toxicology and experimental pathology and the use of in vivo animal models in toxicology.