2024 SOT Merit Award recipient David L.
Eaton, PhD, ATS, DABT (left), with SOT Past
President Dori Germolec, PhD (right)
Do you know a scientist who has made significant contributions to the field of toxicology? SOT recognizes such exemplary contributions through two prestigious awards: the Merit Award and the Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award. Both awards honor individuals whose work has profoundly impacted toxicology research, education, and practice.
Merit Award
The Merit Award is bestowed upon an SOT member who has demonstrated distinguished contributions to toxicology over their career. This award acknowledges excellence in various areas, including research, teaching, regulatory activities, consulting, and service to the Society. The recipient receives a plaque, a cash stipend, and the opportunity to deliver the Merit Award Lecture at the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo. Additionally, the awardee is invited to present a lecture at a EUROTOX Annual Congress, highlighting the global influence of their work.
Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award
The Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award celebrates an SOT member who has made substantial and seminal scientific contributions to the understanding of toxicology. This award is focused on scientific accomplishment and is presented to active scientists involved in toxicological research. The honoree receives a plaque, a cash stipend, and an invitation to deliver the Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award Lecture at the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, allowing them to share insights and discoveries with peers.
2024 SOT Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award
recipient James P. O’Callaghan, PhD (left), with SOT
Past President Dori Germolec, PhD (right)
Making a Nomination
Nominations for both awards are open until October 9. Nominees must be SOT Full members and actively engaged in toxicological research. The nomination package should include a comprehensive curriculum vitae of the nominee (limited to 10 pages), a nomination letter from an SOT Full member, and a seconding letter from another Full member. The seconding letter can be signed by multiple individuals or attributed to an SOT Component Group, but the nominee’s merits will be evaluated based on their accomplishments rather than the number of signatories. Nomination letters should provide specific examples of the nominee’s scientific contributions, highlighting their substantial and lasting impact on the field.
For more information on making a nomination, please review the “Awards Review Process and FAQs” web page. Please direct any inquiries to SOT Headquarters.
Celebrate the exceptional contributions of your colleagues by nominating them for the SOT Merit Award or the Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award today.
Preference will be given to nominees who have not received one of the following SOT awards in the past two years: Achievement, Arnold J. Lehman, Distinguished Toxicology Scholar, Education, Enhancement of Animal Welfare, Founders, Leading Edge in Basic Science, Merit, Public Communications, Toxicologist Mentoring, Translational Impact, Translational/Bridging Travel, and Undergraduate Educator Awards.