

Celebrating Excellence in Toxicology Education and Mentorship through SOT Awards

By Angela Slitt posted 08-29-2024 10:34 AM

2024 SOT Toxicologist Mentoring Award
recipient Robert Roy (right)

SOT takes pride in honoring outstanding contributions in toxicology education and mentorship by offering three distinguished awards: the Education Award, the Toxicologist Mentoring Award, and the Undergraduate Educator Award. These awards celebrate individuals who have made significant impacts in shaping the next generation of toxicologists and advancing the field.

Education Award

The Education Award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated excellence in teaching and training toxicologists. This award honors those who have made substantial contributions to education within the broad field of toxicology. The recipient is recognized with a plaque presented during the SOT Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony and a cash stipend.

Toxicologist Mentoring Award

The Toxicologist Mentoring Award acknowledges an SOT member’s dedication to mentoring within the field of toxicology. This award celebrates individuals whose guidance and support have significantly enhanced the career development of their mentees. The recipient is honored with a plaque during the SOT Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony, along with a cash stipend.

Undergraduate Educator Award

Sponsored by the SOT Endowment Fund and first introduced during the SOT 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting, the Undergraduate Educator Award is presented to an SOT member distinguished by outstanding contributions to the education of undergraduate students in toxicology and related fields. This award aligns with the Society’s strategic goal of “building a diverse community of skilled toxicologists.” The recipient receives a plaque during the SOT Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony and a cash stipend.

Making a Nomination

By nominating an educator or mentor for these awards, you help recognize and celebrate those who have made a lasting impact on toxicology education and mentorship. The application deadline for all these awards is October 9.

If you’re interested in making a nomination or would like more information about the awards and the nomination process, please visit the “Awards Review Process and FAQs” webpage on the SOT website or direct any inquiries to SOT Headquarters.

The application deadline for all these awards is October 9.

Please note that to ensure a diversity of nominees, there is a two-year grace period for SOT Awards. Preference will be given to nominees who have not received one of the following SOT awards in the past two years: Achievement, Arnold J. Lehman, Distinguished Toxicology Scholar, Education, Enhancement of Animal Welfare, Founders, Leading Edge in Basic Science, Merit, Public Communications, Toxicologist Mentoring, Translational Impact, Translational/Bridging Travel, and Undergraduate Educator Awards.
