SOT celebrates individuals who make significant contributions to the field of toxicology. The Enhancement of Animal Welfare Award and the Public Communications Award honor members whose work has made a meaningful impact in these critical areas. If you know someone deserving, now is the time to nominate them for these prestigious accolades.
Enhancement of Animal Welfare Award
The Enhancement of Animal Welfare Award recognizes SOT members who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of toxicological science by developing and implementing methods that replace, refine, or reduce the use of experimental animals. This award not only acknowledges the scientific rigor behind these contributions but also celebrates efforts to raise public awareness about the ethical and essential role of animals in research. Whether it’s through a groundbreaking piece of work or a sustained commitment to animal welfare, this award recognizes those who have significantly advanced both the science and the ethics in toxicology.
2024 SOT Public Communications Award
recipient Barbara Kaplan (left)
with SOT President Laurie Haws
Public Communications Award
The Public Communications Award is given to individuals who have excelled in broadening public awareness of toxicological issues, including the role of experimental animals in research. This award celebrates long-term achievements in various forms of public communication, such as books, articles, educational programs, and media outreach. It’s designed to recognize those who have successfully engaged the public, helping to demystify toxicology and highlight its importance in everyday life.
Nominate a Deserving Candidate
The deadline for these SOT award nominations is fast approaching on October 9. For both the Enhancement of Animal Welfare Award and the Public Communications Award, the nomination package should include a primary and secondary letter of nomination from SOT Full members. These letters should clearly articulate the nominee’s contributions and relevance to the award criteria. The strongest nominations provide detailed, complementary letters that paint a full picture of the nominee’s achievements.
In addition to the letters, a current CV of the nominee, limited to 10 pages, is required. This document should emphasize the nominee’s most significant professional accomplishments as they pertain to the award. Please note that only 10 pages of each CV will be reviewed, so brevity and focus are key.
For more information on making a nomination, please review the “Awards Review Process and FAQs” web page of the SOT website. Please direct any inquiries to SOT Headquarters.
Please note that to ensure a diversity of nominees, there is a two-year grace period for SOT Awards. Preference will be given to nominees who have not received one of the following SOT awards in the past two years: Achievement, Arnold J. Lehman, Distinguished Toxicology Scholar, Education, Enhancement of Animal Welfare, Founders, Leading Edge in Basic Science, Merit, Public Communications, Toxicologist Mentoring, Translational Impact, Translational/Bridging Travel, and Undergraduate Educator Awards.