

Stay Current: 13 New Courses Added to SOT Online Library!

By Bethany Hannas posted 05-16-2024 11:39 AM


Whether you’re diving into new topics, refreshing your memory on familiar ones, or fulfilling your continuing education (CE) credit hour requirements, the SOT CEd-Tox library is your go-to solution. With an expansive selection of over 100 courses spanning the entire spectrum of toxicology, your learning journey is always just a click away—whenever you need it!

But wait, there's more! We're thrilled to announce that thirteen new CE courses, originally presented and recorded during the 2024 SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, have been added to the CEd-Tox course library! The 2024 courses cover topics such as cell and gene therapy, metal toxicity and aging, benchmark dose modeling, plastic chemical additives, and high-throughput in vitro–in vivo extrapolation.
You can access these courses through an Annual Subscription or purchase them individually à la carte. And here’s another exciting part: SOT Student and Postdoc members, as well as undergraduate students, enjoy complimentary access to ALL CEd-Tox courses! Additionally, SOT members from select countries receive this benefit at no extra cost, too!
Take a CEd-Tox course today!

Newly Added Courses

  • Advances in Metal Toxicology: From Aging and Disease Causation to Detection and Regulatory Measures
  • Benchmark Dose Modeling and Its Applications in Drug, Food, and Chemical Safety Evaluation and Assessment
  • Bridge over Adverse Waters: Integrating Pathology Findings into the Interpretation of Toxicology Studies
  • Foundations of Embryonic and Fetal Development and Application to Developmental Toxicity Testing
  • Harnessing Toxicology in Pregnancy: Traditional and Novel Approaches to Placental Toxicology Research
  • High-Throughput In Vitro–In Vivo Extrapolation for Predictive Toxicology
  • Next-Generation Data Transparency and Open Science Policies: What Toxicologists Need to Know
  • Nix the Six: Strategies for Implementing Nonanimal Acute Toxicity Testing
  • “Relax, Immune System,” Cell and Gene Therapy Here
  • Plastic Chemical Additives: Determining Human Risk from Microplastic Exposure
  • Weight of Evidence Analysis and Problem Formulation for Chemical Risk Assessment: Fundamental Principles and Application through Case Example
  • Putting Theory into Practice: Using Computational New Approach Methodologies in Next-Generation Risk Assessment
  • Use of New Approach Methodologies for the Assessment of Inhaled Substances: Examples and Case Studies
