Two US federal organizations are soliciting nominations for experts to serve on a committee and task forces. Also, the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) is seeking comments on its short list of candidates that includes SOT members for service on the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory Panel.
US CDC Lead Exposure and Prevention Advisory Committee
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) is seeking members for its Lead Exposure and Prevention Advisory Committee (LEPAC). Nominations are specifically wanted for individuals with expertise in epidemiology, toxicology, mental health, pediatrics, early childhood education, special education, diet and nutrition, and/or environmental health. The nomination deadline is Friday, November 4, 2022. For more information on LEPAC objectives and activities and how to submit a nomination, review the Federal Register notice from July 29, 2022.
US EPA Nominations to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory Panel
Eight SOT members are on the shortlist for appointment to the US EPA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory Panel (FIFRA SAP):
- Scott M. Belcher, PhD, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
- Deborah A. Cory-Slechta, PhD, University of Rochester Medical School, Rochester, New York
- Nishad Jayasundara, PhD, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
- Tara L. Sabo-Attwood, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
- Justin Teeguarden, PhD, Department of Energy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington
- Lisa Truong, PhD, MBA, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
- Timothy R. Zacharewski, PhD, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
- Hao Zhu, PhD, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Camden, New Jersey
Comments regarding these nominees are due August 29, 2022. For more information about FIFRA SAP and how to make comments, view the Federal Register notice from July 28, 2022.
White House Council on Environmental Quality
The White House Council on Environmental Quality has openings on two task forces focused on carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and sequestration. One is for the Carbon Dioxide Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration (CCUS) Federal Lands and Outer Continental Shelf Permitting Task Force, while the other is for the Carbon Dioxide Capture, Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS) Non-Federal Lands Permitting Task Force. Nominations for both task forces are due Monday, September 26, 2022, with vacancies expected to be filled by December 31, 2022. For more information on these opportunities and how to submit nominations, consult the Federal Register announcements from July 28, 2022, related to the CCUS Federal Lands and Outer Continental Shelf Permitting Task Force and to the CCUS Non-Federal Lands Permitting Task Force.