

Opportunities Available to Serve on a CDC Advisory Committee, a NASEM Consensus Study, and a NASEM Forum

By James Luyendyk posted 05-11-2023 12:46 PM


Experts are being sought by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) for service on a committee, study, and forum.


CDC Advisory Committee to the Director

Experts in public health, global health, health disparities, biomedical research, or other fields related to the US CDC mission are being sought to fill vacancies on the US CDC Advisory Committee to the Director. Nominations or self-nominations should be submitted by June 5.
View the Federal Register announcement for more information >>


NASEM Consensus Study Experts

NASEM is looking for 16 to 20 individuals to serve as experts for a consensus study on “Research Priorities for Preventing and Treating Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias.” A few areas of expertise being sought that are particularly relevant to toxicology include environmental/neurotoxicant exposure and infectious agents; basic neuroscience and mechanisms of disease, functional genomics, epigenetics, RNA processing, and other ’omics; preclinical drug development, and the role of immunity and inflammation in Alzheimer’s and related diseases. Nominations are due May 19, and self-nominations are accepted.
View the NASEM call for experts for more information >>


NASEM Forum Members

NASEM has three open positions on its Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders. To fill these positions, NASEM is seeking experts in basic and translational neuroscience research; computational neuroscience; clinical development and regulation; neurological disorders; psychiatric disorders; substance use disorders; neurodevelopmental disorders; neurosurgery and anesthesiology; ethical, legal, and social issues; and/or environmental health sciences. Nominations, including self-nominations, are due May 22.
View the NASEM call for experts for more information >>
