Rebecca C. Fry, PhD, was chosen by the SOT voting members to serve as the 2024–2025 SOT Treasurer-Elect.
Dr. Fry is the Carol Remmer Angle Distinguished Professor at the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill). She is the Acting Chair of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering. She is also the Director of UNC-Chapel Hill’s National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)–funded Superfund Research Program and the Founding Director of the Institute for Environmental Health Solutions at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Dr. Fry’s laboratory focuses on understanding the mechanisms that link prenatal exposure to toxic substances with adverse health outcomes in the mother or child with a focus on the epigenetic basis of disease. She has an outstanding publication and mentoring record in the field of toxicology and environmental sciences.
Dr. Fry has the experience that is necessary to serve as a strong and effective SOT Treasurer, including managing multi-million dollar budgets within the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, the UNC-Chapel Hill Superfund Research Program, and the Institute for Environmental Health Solutions. In her leadership roles at UNC-Chapel Hill, she manages budgeting processes, which involve developing and maintaining budgets, monitoring expenses, and ensuring that the groups operate within their financial limits. Additionally, she is responsible for preparing annual reports detailing fiscal spending in these areas. In each of these roles, she has shown her dedication to being an effective collaborator, integrating voices across disciplines and working with diverse groups. She is committed to fostering transparent and productive work environments.
Dr. Fry is currently an Associate Editor for Toxicological Sciences.
She has been committed to SOT since joining in 2010. She received the Society’s Translational Impact Award in 2021 and is currently serving as a member of the Society’s Awards Committee. She also served as the Secretary/Treasurer of the SOT Metals Specialty Section (MSS) prior to serving as the MSS President and as a Councilor for the Stem Cells Specialty Section.
Goals for SOT
In the ballot, Dr. Fry stated the following as her goals for service as Treasurer-Elect:
- Maintain and optimize a streamlined budgeting and financial reporting system that enhances transparency and efficiency. This will include ensuring timely and accurate communication of the Society’s financial health. To do this, I will use modern financial tools and practices to optimize resource allocation and support the overall SOT mission and objectives.
- Work with our Specialty Sections and Regional Chapters to support them in their programing.
- Continue to foster an inclusive environment for all members of the Society.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is based on the biosketch provided by Dr. Fry for use as part of the election ballot. This citation is being shared under the Secretary’s name as part of their official duties and should not be interpreted as their personal or professional opinions.