Last day celebration with some members of
Dr. Aschner’s lab. From left to right:
Bea Santana, Pablo Scharf, Romina Deza
Ponzio, and Samuel Vielee
The SOT Education and Experiential Opportunities Committee encourages outstanding doctoral students to pursue an internship in toxicology that advances their professional and scientific development. To assist with this pursuit, recipients of SOT Graduate Intern Fellowship in Toxicology (GIFT) Awards receive up to $3,000 to supplement available funds. Internships must last for at least six consecutive weeks between May and August 2025 to qualify. The next application deadline is February 15.
Samuel Vielee, a GIFT recipient last year, completed an internship at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, New York, in the laboratory of Michael Aschner, PhD. During his training, he gained hands-on experience with an incredibly useful model evaluating neurotoxicity. Samuel is very grateful to the members of the Aschner lab and SOT for providing him with the GIFT Award. In his words, “This opportunity was invaluable and has only brought me closer to realizing my dream of becoming an independent neurotoxicologist!”