

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Undergraduate Toxicology Education Workshop: Pre-registration Open

By Larissa Williams posted 02-04-2021 05:49 PM


SOT is committed to embracing diversity and optimizing inclusion. As undergraduate educators, we play an essential role in the development of future toxicologists, many of whom are lost along the pathway because of structures and practices that disproportionately affect students who are “PEERs—persons excluded because of their ethnicity or race” (a definition used by David Asai of Howard Hughes Medical Institute).

During the upcoming Virtual 2021 SOT Annual Meeting, we will be facilitating a discussion about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) among toxicologists who interface with undergraduates in the classroom, lab, and workplace. While discussions around equity, inclusion, and antiracism may be happening on our individual campuses or workplaces, we believe the Annual Meeting is a powerful opportunity to share and reflect on our own practices and experiences to enhance the educational experiences of all our STEM students. The session is scheduled for Friday, March 12, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm (US Eastern Standard Time (UTC -5)).

Nicollette Mitchell, MS

The workshop will be facilitated by Nicollette Mitchell, Director of Equity and Inclusion Education at Bates College. She previously worked at Oberlin College, where she served as the Director of a STEM peer education program for students and organized faculty-staff learning communities. Nicollette is a graduate of Oberlin College (BA ’13) and the University of Arizona (MS ’17), where she studied climate change on both human and geological timescales.

After a brief introduction about the importance of DEI, participants will be assigned to smaller groups to discuss where they are situated in their institution, the resources of that institution, and their ability to create change (and perhaps what that change might look like) in the DEI space. At the end of those discussions, all participants will come back together to report about these conversations. Participants will leave having thought about their own position within the DEI space and having heard about those of other educators and their institutions.

Please sign up to attend via the online registration form, which includes several questions to prepare you for the session. We’re asking you to sign up by February 26 to group folks accordingly.
