

Upcoming SOT-Endorsed Meetings on Risk Assessment, Drug Safety, and Mutagenesis

By Mary Gilbert posted 01-27-2022 12:33 PM


SOT is pleased to provide funding support for several upcoming meetings based on their relevance to contributing toward advancing the SOT Strategic Plan. For more information on competitive meeting support and endorsement provided by SOT, please visit the “SOT-Sponsored Meetings” web page.

For more information on these and other upcoming toxicology-related meetings, please visit the Calendar of Events.

Workshop Series: Beyond Science and Decisions XIII

Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences
740 15th St. NW, Ste. 600
Washington, DC 20005

**Also Held Virtually**

Dates: February 15, 16, and 17, 2022

Since 2010, the Alliance for Risk Assessment has sponsored a workshop series titled Beyond Science and Decisions: From Problem Formulation to Comprehensive Risk Assessment. Building on the ideas of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Science & Decisions: Advancing Risk Assessment (2009), 12 previous workshops brought together over 60 organizations seeking to advance the NAS recommendations and fit-for-purpose risk assessment methods.

Visit the meeting website for registration and additional details.

2022 Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Conference (GRC) on Drug Safety

The Gordon Research Conference (GRC) is a multidisciplinary gathering of scientists from industry, academia, and government, meeting to discuss different strategies to overcome safety challenges in drug discovery and development. The GRC agenda will mirror the drug development pipeline with topics ranging from in silico computational approaches to clinical trials. The Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) will be held in conjunction with the GRC to enhance the Gordon Conference experience for students, trainees, and postdoctoral fellows, with special opportunities for presentations and career development.

The GRS will be held June 18–19, 2022, followed by the GRC, June 19–24, 2022, at Stonehill College, Easton, Massachusetts (30 minutes from Boston). Travel awards are available for graduate and postdoctoral trainees!

Please visit the GRC website and the GRS website for details and registration.

13th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens (ICEM)

Ottawa, ON, Canada
August 27–September 1, 2022

The theme of the 13th ICEM is “Maintaining Genomic Health in a Changing World.” The meeting will include numerous topics relating to the effect of environmental exposure to mutagenic and carcinogenic responses at the molecular level. Thirteen keynote speakers will present on gene variation and disease susceptibly, DNA repair, genetic effects on human neuromuscular diseases and rare heritable diseases, human health safety of nanomaterials, germ cell development, and genomic determination of environmental interactions.

In addition, 30 symposia balanced between basic and applied science spanning numerous areas will expand on the topics of the keynote speakers. These include DNA repair of in vivo mutations, mutational modelling and bioinformatics, genotoxic hazards of air pollution, cancer etiology, effects on male and female germ cells, adverse outcome pathways, carcinogenicity testing, risk assessment of low dose radiation, machine learning related to cancer, and genome editing. Finally, nine platform and three poster sessions will showcase submitted abstracts.

The abstract submission deadline is April 1 and the early-bird registration deadline is May 1.

Visit the meeting website for complete information.
