

SOT Recognizes National Postdoc Appreciation Week

By Myrtle Davis posted 09-20-2021 09:17 AM


Postdoctoral members, on behalf of SOT, I would like to recognize you and the entire Postdoctoral Assembly (PDA) as we celebrate National Postdoc Appreciation Week. The SOT postdoctoral community provides valuable scientific perspectives that contribute to the advancement of toxicology. I am proud of our postdoctoral community, which enhances the Society through expertise, enthusiasm, and engagement brought by the nearly 500 postdoctoral scholars within the Society.

I hope you are taking advantage of the activities and events organized by the PDA. The PDA is designed to support and meet the needs of our postdoctoral community, including providing opportunities for members to engage in leadership and career development opportunities. Postdoctoral scholars also can contribute by serving in important leadership roles, such as Representatives to SOT Committees and Component Groups (Specialty Sections, Regional Chapters, and Special Interest Groups).

You, as an SOT postdoctoral scholar, are an integral part of the SOT community—through your individual contributions and those of the collective postdoc family. I am pleased to represent SOT and Council in extending our appreciation for your determined effort in becoming the future leaders in toxicology. I want to express that the Society is a resource to you, just as you are a resource to the Society. I congratulate you on your accomplishments and join you in celebrating National Postdoc Appreciation Week.
