SOT is joining the National Postdoc Association
to celebrate National Postdoc Appreciation Week!
Our world is often referred to as a global village due to the increased interconnectedness that we’ve come to enjoy, but the drums of war and songs of the lines that divide us can easily drown the cockcrow at dawn and the peace with which we hope to forge through our days.
Many of us have crossed lands and seas with the hope for scientific adventure which would have us give our active years to life in academia, biotech, pharma, government, consulting, and a range of possible combinations. Our pursuit of fulfilment can easily place us at the crosshairs of two seemingly contrasting philosophies—“I think, therefore I am (Cogito, Ergo Sum)” and “I am because we are (Ubuntu)”—but the self-awareness that we develop through personal and societal experience takes nothing away from an attempt at achieving well-being through communal bond and support. In fact, our ability to doubt, reason, and reflect helps us to form or join communities with the aim to “bend the arc of history toward justice and equality.”
As we leverage opportunities for growth, we must think of ingenious ways to nurture one another with empathy within resilient communities. It is to this end that the SOT Postdoctoral Assembly (PDA) is joining the National Postdoc Association to celebrate National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW) September 16–20 in recognition of postdoc superheroes who continue to go above and beyond in balancing their personal ambition with contributions to the total well-being of the communities that they serve. We invite you to celebrate the postdocs in your network by engaging with the postdoc shout-out campaign on the SOT social media accounts!
Beyond NPAW, the SOT PDA board has lined up several activities to provide early career toxicologists with opportunities for scientific growth, networking, and career advancement:
We also encourage postdocs to apply for the Best Postdoctoral Publication Award, which recognizes outstanding work accomplished during formal mentored postdoctoral traineeships. The application deadline is October 4, 11:59 pm (US EDT, UTC -4).
The Fall 2024 Post-y, our newsletter for postdocs, was just published and we encourage you to give it a read.
Thank you for supporting postdocs and the SOT PDA.