

Nominate SOT Members for SOT Council and Elected Committees by June 30

By Ronald Hines posted 05-27-2021 10:31 AM


The SOT Nominating Committee will soon prepare a slate of nominees for the 2022–2023 elected officers and elected Committees. Please consider nominating members committed to the Society’s mission of creating a safer and healthier world by advancing the science and increasing the impact of toxicology.

Candidates for the offices of Vice President-Elect, Treasurer-Elect, and two Councilors will be on the ballot, as well as candidates for the Awards Committee, Membership Committee, and Nominating Committee. Nominating Committee candidates will serve as a Member At-Large representative or as representative(s) from a Regional Chapter or Specialty Section.

Please send your candidate recommendations, along with a brief supporting statement, to SOT Executive Director Tonia Masson at SOT Headquarters by Wednesday, June 30.
