As part of the SOT commitment to supporting diversity and inclusiveness, as well as to help promote dialogue and understanding, the Society presents this recurring blog series dubbed “Making Connections.” This series contains summaries of articles, reports, and other resources that offer professional development insights and capture the state of the larger scientific community in relation to topics such as diversity, inclusion, support for early career researchers, and more.
“Building an Antiracist Lab: Scientists Offer Steps to Take Action Now”
A new paper published in the journal PLOS Computational Biology examines the low levels of racial and ethnic diversity in the STEM fields. The open-access paper outlines 10 steps that STEM leaders can take to address racism in STEM workplaces.
“How We Formed a ‘Journal Club’ for Equity in Science”
As described in a Nature Career Column, a group of early career researchers at Duke University formed an informal club that meets to discuss gender, race, and socioeconomic inequalities found in science. They refer to themselves as SPEAK, which stands for Scientists Promoting Equity and Knowledge, and aim to promote a more inclusive and equitable environment in academia by openly discussing social issues. This Career Column article provides the researchers’ guidelines on how to start a similar organization at other institutions.
“Wear Your Mask, but Think about Deaf Students”
In a Nature Career Column, married associate professors Olivier Pourret and Elodie Saillet write about how the policy to wear masks can make it difficult for people with hearing impairments to interact. Being parents of a deaf child, they discuss their experiences on how their son accommodates in a learning environment and provide a list of steps that the scientific community can take to help deaf students.
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