

John A. Moore Receives 2012 Founders Award

By Marcia Lawson posted 03-15-2012 10:38 AM


SOT Vice President William Slikker Jr. presented the 2012 Founders Award to John A. Moore. In his presentation remarks he noted that the Society confers this honor to an SOT member who “has demonstrated outstanding leadership in fostering the role of toxicological sciences in safety decision-making through the development and/or application of state-o-the-art approaches that elucidate, with a high-degree of confidence, the distinctions for humans between safe and unsafe levels of exposures to chemical and physical agents.” Dr. Moore has distinguished himself in various governmental and private positions, including Deputy Administrator and Assistant Administrator for Pesticides and Toxic Substances of the U.S.EPA, Deputy Director of the National Toxicology Program, and Director of Toxicology Research and Testing at the National Institute of Environment Health Sciences. For his contributions to toxicology and to the safety assessment and regulation of chemicals, the Society is proud to recognize Dr. John A. Moore as the SOT Founders Award recipient. For additional information about this recipient and all the 2012 SOT Award winners, please visit the SOT website.