Opportunities Include the 2013 SOT Annual Meeting
There are many ways to increase your involvement in the Society by volunteering to help with programs and activities that are of particular interest to you by using the Volunteer Form. Volunteers are the heart of the Society. Our strength is the result of the time and effort provided by SOT members. For example, you can offer your assistance at the 2013 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, March 11–14, 2013. You will find volunteer opportunities that are the right fit for you, whether you can commit a year, a month, or a day. For example, you may decide to host an undergraduate student, serve as a toxicology expert during an informal graduate student lunch, promote the Society’s programs and activities at the SOT Pavilion, or offer to be a greeter. Moreover, you might be asked to serve on an SOT Committee or Task Force, or work on a project as an ad hoc member. Leadership reviews these volunteer submissions when selecting members for appointment or nomination to elected positions. Learn more about any of the SOT Elected and Appointed Committees.
If you volunteered previously, know that not every volunteer can be placed where they request. However, please indicate your interest on the Volunteer Form this year to reaffirm your willingness to serve. In addition, please contact the leadership of your Regional Chapter, Special Interest Group, or Specialty Section to find out how you can become more involved in those groups.