With the aid of modern video technology, SOT members are encouraged to conduct virtual ToxScholar visits this year to increase the understanding of toxicology among students. 2018 Domestic ToxScholar Outreach program The deadline for International ToxScholar applications is...
I had read updates about the SOT ToxScholar program several times on the SOT website, but I never thought this information actually applied to me. To be honest, I’m not sure who I thought was eligible to apply for this program. Sure, I had read about the application process. I realized that a...
As part of the Society of Toxicology (SOT) ToxScholar program , a few regulatory toxicologists from the US federal government visited Trinity Washington University in Washington, DC, to start a dialogue with the students at Trinity about pathways to careers in toxicology. The day started...
Three recipients of the Society of Toxicology (SOT) International ToxScholar funding for this year have been announced by the Education Committee. To apply, SOT members submit a plan for research and career presentations that will be delivered to graduate and undergraduate students at academic...
On March 28, I had the wonderful opportunity to visit my undergraduate alma mater, North Carolina Central University (NCCU) in Durham, North Carolina, during their 2nd Annual STEM Professional Development Network Conference. Ten years after graduating from this institution, the Society of...
The Society of Toxicology (SOT) encourages members to visit undergraduate campuses to promote careers in toxicology through the Domestic and International ToxScholar Outreach Grants . Applications can be made to support travel to undergraduate institutions in the United States through the...
Kimberly Hodge-Bell visited her alma mater, Virginia Union University, in October and, through a grant from SOT’s Diversity ToxScholar Program, was able to connect with over 90 students to share her experiences and enthusiasm for the science of toxicology. The program offers up to $500 for...
Each year the Committee on Diversity Initiatives funds Domestic ToxScholar visits to minority undergraduate institutions to advance its goal of introducing toxicology to groups underrepresented in the sciences. The program offers up to $500 for SOT members to visit institutions, talk about...
11190 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 300,Reston, VA 20191 703.438.3115 sothq@toxicology.org
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