We are all eager to greet our colleagues in person during the 2022 Annual Meeting and ToxExpo , and one of your first opportunities will be at the Committee on Diversity Initiatives (CDI) Reunion. Everyone is invited to greet the undergraduate students selected for the 2022 Undergraduate...
Students learn about toxicology during the Undergraduate Diversity Program. This blog was co-authored by Larissa Williams and Kymberly Gowdy. The SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo in San Diego, taking place March 27–31, 2021, is a fantastic opportunity for undergraduate students to...
Submitted by Rachel Woodson, Committee on Diversity Initiatives Staff Liaison Join the Society of Toxicology (SOT) in actively engaging the next generation of toxicologists. Invite the undergraduate science majors who you may know to take advantage of the many opportunities that SOT offers...
As a young girl, Latresa Billings, PharmD, BCPS, who is currently a clinical coordinator and residency coordinator at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, watched her grandmother regimentally take pills that were designed to help manage her diabetes. Her mother,...
Matthew S. Bogdanffy, PhD, DABT, ATS, SOT Endowment Fund Board Chair, spoke with SOT Endowment Fund contributor and SOT member Adrian Nanez, PhD, Amgen Inc., about the Endowment Fund, how he has benefited from the funded programs, and why he gives back so generously. How did you discover...
By Kristini Miles, Committee on Diversity Initiatives Chair The Committee on Diversity Initiatives (CDI) will hold its 26th Annual SOT Undergraduate Education Program this year in San Diego. Undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds and institutions underserved in the sciences are...
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