As part of the SOT commitment to supporting diversity and inclusiveness, as well as to help promote dialogue and understanding, the Society presents this recurring blog series, dubbed “Making Connections.” This series contains summaries of articles, reports, and other resources that offer...
Looking for more educational programs and opportunities in toxicology for undergraduate students? The Committee on Diversity Initiatives (CDI) is welcoming award applications for several awards for undergraduates and undergraduate faculty, with an October 15, 2021 , deadline. Undergraduate...
Courtney McClure Thanks to the SOT Diversity Initiatives Endowment Career Development Award , provided by the Committee on Diversity Initiatives, I had the privilege of taking an American College of Toxicology (ACT) course called “Advanced Comprehensive Toxicology Online Course.” The...
Isola Brown, PhD This blog joins others in Eye on CDI that feature the career paths of individuals who started in toxicology as students in the SOT Undergraduate Diversity Program and are now in the scientific workforce. This blog was authored by Isola Brown, PhD, and I am pleased...
This blog was authored by Frederic Moulin, DVM, PhD (outgoing CDI Chair); Kymberly Gowdy, PhD (incoming CDI Chair); and Karilyn Sant, PhD (2021–2022 CDI leadership). Although the 2021 SOT Annual Meeting was not held in person, the Committee on Diversity Initiatives (CDI) hosted most of the...
SOT is committed to embracing diversity and optimizing inclusion. To kick off the Virtual 2021 SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, 47 SOT members from 42 different institutions representing all sectors of toxicology (academia, government, and industry) came together on Friday, March 12, to consider...
SOT is committed to embracing diversity and optimizing inclusion. As undergraduate educators, we play an essential role in the development of future toxicologists, many of whom are lost along the pathway because of structures and practices that disproportionately affect students who are “PEERs...
As part of the SOT commitment to supporting diversity and inclusiveness, as well as to help promote dialogue and understanding, the Society presents this recurring blog series dubbed “Making Connections.” This series contains summaries of articles, reports, and other resources that offer...
In August, the SOT Presidential Chain held focus group discussions with Black and Latinx members to discuss diversity and inclusion within the context of the Society and its activities and programs. The conversations were highly valuable and informative, and we look forward to continuing these...
This is the inaugural edition of the “SOT Program Spotlight” series, which is aimed at increasing awareness of how SOT programs and activities are focused on addressing and/or supporting the Society’s guiding principles of (1) serving the needs of the scientific discipline and our members to...
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