With the aid of modern video technology, SOT members are encouraged to conduct virtual ToxScholar visits this year to increase the understanding of toxicology among students. 2018 Domestic ToxScholar Outreach program The deadline for International ToxScholar applications is...
I had read updates about the SOT ToxScholar program several times on the SOT website, but I never thought this information actually applied to me. To be honest, I’m not sure who I thought was eligible to apply for this program. Sure, I had read about the application process. I realized that a...
As part of the Society of Toxicology (SOT) ToxScholar program , a few regulatory toxicologists from the US federal government visited Trinity Washington University in Washington, DC, to start a dialogue with the students at Trinity about pathways to careers in toxicology. The day started...
The Education Committee is pleased to announce that there are two recipients of the Society of Toxicology (SOT) International ToxScholar funding for the year 2018–2019. The next application deadline is April 1, 2019. SOT members can apply by submitting a plan for research and career...
A little over a year ago, one of my mentors, Dr. Barbara Kaplan, visited the Mississippi University for Women (MUW, the “W”) as a ToxScholar (if you would like to know more about her visit, you can read her blog post ). Contrary to its name, MUW is now a co-ed university, and while it offers...
On March 27, I had the opportunity to participate in the Biology research seminar at Westminster College, in Westminster, PA. This is my second visit to Westminster, but this time I had the opportunity to present about opportunities in toxicology and my collaborative research with undergraduates...
Matthew Gribble (third from left) speaking to students at a University of Alaska lab. I am grateful to the Society of Toxicology (SOT) for the opportunity to participate in the Domestic ToxScholar Program and visit the University of Alaska Anchorage, through a visit coordinated by local host...
Note: Deadline for International ToxScholar Grants is February 27, 2013 Environmental challenges and research opportunities in Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Kenya Being engaged in the process of science means that we are part of, and often rely on, a community of like-minded scientists...
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