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    SOT is once again offering a variety of exciting research and training opportunities through its Supported Awards program. ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    The recording and slides are now available for the “Current State of the Science: Toxicology of Cannabidiol and Other Cannabinoids” ...

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    The Society has learned that longtime member James D. Yager Jr., PhD, passed away on July 14, 2024. Over the course of his ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    Do you work with a postdoc who deserves a shout out (i.e., a public note of appreciation) during National Postdoc Appreciation ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    Got a great idea for a Tiny Tox Talk? We want to hear it! Propose a topic and speaker (self-nominations are welcome!) for ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    Downtown Manhattan skyline taken from “The Edge,” a building in uptown Manhattan The SOT Graduate Intern Fellowship ...

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    The Society has learned that longtime member Young Soo Choi passed away. Dr. Choi was born in Korea, received her graduate ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    The Society has learned that longtime member Barbara Hales, PhD, passed away on July 12, 2024. Dr. Hales was the James McGill ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    How does toxicological testing deal with the ever-increasing number of new chemicals in an ethical, safe, cost-effective, ...

    1 person recommends this.
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    A few months ago, SOT Council shared some proposed changes to the SOT Constitution and Bylaws with the membership for feedback. ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    SOT is delighted to announce the opening of Award Season for 2025! This is the time of year when we come together to recognize ...

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    If you are planning on attending the 2024 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference (NDiSTEM) in October or the 2024 ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    Special thanks to Olufunsho Awodele for reviewing and contributing to this blog. I also acknowledge Margaret Khaitsa for ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    Many of the webinars hosted by SOT Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, and Specialty Sections—collectively known ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    This essay is part of a series designed to celebrate SOT member diversity and showcase the diverse pathways and experiences ...

    1 person recommends this.
  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    The July 2024 issue of Toxicological Sciences includes a Contemporary Review that discusses what is currently known about ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    Each month, SOT provides an update on activities and events of importance to the toxicology community through the release ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    Lower counters are part of the design of locations like On-Site Registration and Badge Pickup to accommodate individuals ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    The SOT Nominating Committee will prepare a slate of nominees for the 2025–2026 elected Officers and elected Committees this ...

  • Posted in: Communiqué Blog

    This essay is part of a series designed to celebrate SOT member diversity and showcase the diverse pathways and experiences ...