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Looking for a mentor or interested in sharing your knowledge and experience with others ? T hen , sign up for Mentor Match today! Perhaps you are thinking about a career transition or looking for strategies to upgrade your skills. Enrolling in SOT Me n tor Match will provide access to a wealth of SOT members who are willing to share workplace and life - balance expertise. Conversely, you may want to serve the toxicology community by sharing your knowledge in a mentoring relationship. A person can be both a mentor and a mentee. Mentor Match is a user-driven online searchable database that facilitates the establishment ...
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As a science-driven organization, SOT is dedicated to offering tools, resources, and platforms that empower scientists to advance and share their research, contributing to the improvement of public, environmental, and animal health. Recent US executive and federal agency actions have resulted in deep concerns about the ability of SOT members and others in the biomedical community to continue to conduct critical and necessary research. SOT remains committed to supporting the science of toxicology and will identify ways in which the Society can assist efforts to maintain and strengthen resources, assets, and funding ...
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The February 2025 issue of Toxicological Sciences includes a Contemporary Review that provides insights on the impact of common neonicotinoid pesticides on male and female reproductive health in mammals, while an In-Depth Review summarizes the current state of the science regarding the study design and bioinformatics workflows for tPOD derivation. A Forum article covers the European regulatory framework on chemicals. Additionally, two #ToxSpotlight articles are featured: One captures constructive considerations from practitioners in the field that can increase the utility of epidemiologic studies in chemical risk assessment and harmonize the approach ...
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Co-author: Sandrine Deglin The 2025 SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo in Orlando, Florida , will feature an interactive Engagement S ession en titled “ Facing Inconvenient Truths: How the Current Toxicology Research Ecosystem Limits Its Potential for Public and Environmental Health Protection ” on Wednesday, March 19, 1:30 pm to 4:15 pm . This session and the panel will bring together experts from various sectors, including academia, government, industry, and early-career researchers. Toxicology plays a critical role in protecting human and environmental health ; yet , the field faces ...
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Like most SOT members, speakers, poster presenters, exhibitors, and countless others, members of the SOT Scientific Program Committee (SPC) and Continuing Education Committee (CEC) continue to prepare for the 2025 Annual Meeting next month in Orlando. But , yes, planning has already started for the 2026 Annual Meeting , which will be held in San Diego. Now is the time to make this your meeting by submitting a session proposal. This proposal development webinar is scheduled for Friday, February 21, at 2:00 pm (US EST, UTC -4) . Included will be important information that ...
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On Thursday, February 27, a webinar for undergraduate educators will explore the implementation of Specifications Grading (Specs Grading) in upper-level courses as a means to streamline assessment processes, reduce the time spent on traditional point-based grading (and student requests for re-grading), and focus on fostering higher-level critical thinking skills. Educators will learn how shifting to pass/fail assignments with clear, detailed checklists enhances student accountability and engagement while creating more opportunities for positive, constructive feedback. Additionally, the one-hour webinar , starting at 2:00 pm (US EST, UTC ...
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Each month, SOT provides an update on activities and events of importance to the toxicology community through the release of the “Around the World of Toxicology” blog. To  submit an event, opportunity, or information for consideration for inclusion in the monthly “Around the World of Toxicology” blog, complete the special submission form for “Around the World of Toxicology” items . Please note that only activities by societies and professional associations (i.e., nonprofits) will be considered. If you are an organization or company seeking to promote an event, please submit your activity to the SOT “ Calendar of Events .”   ...
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Last day celebration with some members of Dr. Aschner’s lab. From left to right: Bea Santana, Pablo Scharf, Romina Deza Ponzio, and Samuel Vielee The SOT Education and Experiential Opportunities Committee encourages outstanding doctoral students to pursue an internship in toxicology that advances their professional and scientific development. To assist with this pursuit, re cipients of SOT Graduate Intern Fellowship in Toxicology (GIFT) A wards receive up to $3,000 to supplement available funds . Internships must last for at least six consecutive weeks between May and August 2025 to qualify . The next ...
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The SOT Inclusion, Diversity, and Engagement Committee (IDEC) is pleased to announce that the re are two recipients of the 202 5 SOT Perry J. Gehring Diversity Student Travel Award : Jenielle Domaoal and Gabriela Rojas Pacheco . This award recognizes undergraduate or graduate students who were selected for the Undergraduate Diversity Program (UDP) with in the last four years and have an abstract accepted for the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo . The awardees are selected by IDEC.      Jenielle Domaoal   Ms.  Domaoal is currently pursuing an MS in e nvironmental h ealth ...
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SOT Council is hosting the Society’s Annual Business Meeting virtually on Wednesday, February 19. The meeting is scheduled for 11:00 am–12:30 pm (US EST, UTC - 5 ). This will be the first virtual Annual Business Meeting, which is a result of a bylaws change that was approved by the SOT voting members in 2024. During the meeting, Council representatives will discuss the 2024–2025 SOT accomplishments, the Society’s financial status, and the results of the 2025–2026 election, among other topics. Outgoing SOT Council members also will be honored during this event. All SOT members are welcome and encouraged to attend. ...
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This blog is being shared as part of a blog exchange between SOT and BDRP. SOT members involved in reproductive and developmental toxicology and related fields are encouraged to submit abstracts for presentation at the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention (BDRP) Annual Meeting taking place June 28 – July 2, 2025, in Denver, Colorado. Abstracts are due February 15, 2025. The mission of BDRP is to understand the cause and pathogenesis of disorders of developmental and reproductive origin to prevent their occurrence and improve outcomes through research, collaboration, communication, and education. ...
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When attending the 2025 SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo in Orlando, choosing the right accommodations is crucial for a seamless experience. By booking your hotel through official SOT housing partner, Connections Housing , you gain access to exclusive benefits and contribute to the Society’s broader mission. Exclusive Benefits of Booking Through SOT Lower Costs Enjoy exclusive hotel rates negotiated specifically for SOT participants, ensuring you get the best value for your stay. Time Savings Connections Housing offers real-time availability and comprehensive ...
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The SOT Postdoctoral Assembly (PDA) Executive Board is pleased to announce the three recipients of the 20 25 Best Postdoctoral Publication Award (BPPA)! The BPPA recognizes talented postdoctoral researchers who have recently published papers in the field of toxicology as a result of their work conducted during their postdoctoral research experience. Thomas Jackson , PhD US EPA Paper Citation: Jackson, Thomas W., Christy S. Lambright, Nicola Evans, Leah C. Wehmas, Denise K. MacMillan, Jacqueline Bangma, L. Earl Gray Jr., and Justin M. Conley. 2024. “Exploring Maternal and Developmental Toxicity ...
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The 12th Triennial Toxicology Salary Survey is now available through Open Access in the International Journal of Toxicology . Some of the key takeaways from the survey are that women continue to be compensated at lower levels than men despite the steady increase in representation of women in the field. In addition, a major determinant of salary is employer type versus geographic location. Finally, certification appears to play a positive role in employee compensation. For more conclusions and information, read the full analysis of the 12th Triennial Toxicology Salary Survey . The survey, conducted in partnership ...
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For over 50 years, the SOT Awards have honored trailblazing toxicologists, promising early career scientists, and exceptional postdocs and students. This cherished tradition carries on this year as SOT recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of toxicology. The awardees have made significant contributions to advancing the science of toxicology, earning recognition for their groundbreaking achievements. The 2025 award recipients exemplify excellence across their fields, distinguished not only by their groundbreaking research but also by their leadership, mentorship, and commitment to education. Their impact ...
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Do you enjoy writing, plan on attending the 2025 SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo , and want to share scientific insights with the SOT community? Volunteer as an SOT Reporter! What Is the SOT Reporter Program? The SOT Reporter program invites members to document and share their experiences from the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo . From engaging sessions to dynamic events and groundbreaking science, SOT Reporters highlight the moments that make the meeting memorable—while gaining visibility within the SOT community. How It Works As an SOT Reporter, your role is simple yet impactful: ...
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The election for openings on the 2025–2026 SOT Council and Elected Committees is currently underway. This blog contains a listing of the candidates that appear on the ballot. Thank you to all those who agreed to appear on the ballot and serve if elected. Voting in the election is a privilege reserved for Full and Associate members. Voting members received an email on Monday, January 6, with a link to the ballot. If you are a Full or Associate member and did not receive an email with the ballot, please contact SOT Headquarters . SOT Council Vice President–Elect Barbara L. F. Kaplan , PhD Mississippi State University Robyn L. Tanguay , PhD Oregon ...
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2024 Perry J. Gehring Diversity Student Travel Award recipients Gia Marie Valdez (left) and Alanis Joan Torres Berríos (right) T he SOT Inclusion, Diversity, and Engagement Committee (IDEC) invites you to join us at the 2025 Undergraduate Diversity Program Reunion as we celebrate the incredible legacy of the Undergraduate Diversity Program and the dedicated individuals who ensure its success year after year. This is a special opportunity to connect with colleagues, program supporters, and alumni who have been a part of the SOT Undergraduate Program over the past 36 years. You’ll also get to meet the talented undergraduate students and advisors ...
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The January 2025 issue of Toxicological Sciences includes a Contemporary Review that presents findings on the capture and inactivation of electrophiles by intracellular glutathione, reactive sulfur species, and extracellular cysteine while an In-Depth Review outlines mechanistic investigations into tolvaptan and associated idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury events. A Forum article covers potential next steps for sponsors to reduce animal use in drug development while a Research Brief highlights the limitation of using acetaminophen as a reference hepatotoxin for the evaluation of in vitro liver models. Additionally, two #ToxSpotlight articles ...
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Many of the webinars hosted by SOT Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, and Specialty Sections—collectively known as the SOT Component Groups—are recorded and posted exclusively for member access only in ToXchange . Select videos also are made available to the public through the SOT Video Library . In this blog, you will find a listing of all the recent webinar recordings that have been added to ToXchange and/or the  SOT Video Library . 2023 Drug Discovery Paper of t he Year: Data-Driven Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Modeling for Human Carcinogenicity by Chronic Oral Exposure ...
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