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SOT is once again offering a variety of exciting research and training opportunities through its Supported Awards program. With up to $112,750 in funding available, these awards are designed to foster innovation and advance the field of toxicology. Most of the SOT Supported Awards require several application materials, including letters of support/recommendation, budget outlines, and more. It is recommended to begin applications for these awards long before their October 9 deadline . Please direct any questions regarding these awards to SOT Headquarters . Bristol Myers Squibb Graduate Student Research Training Award to Promote Diversity in Toxicology ...
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The recording and slides are now available for the “Current State of the Science: Toxicology of Cannabidiol and Other Cannabinoids” colloquium held online on May 8, 2024. The event is the latest in the SOT FDA Colloquia on Emerging Toxicological Science: Challenges in Food and Ingredient Safety series, which was established in 2014 “… to present high-quality, cutting-edge, future-oriented toxicological science to provide a well-grounded foundation to inform the work of US FDA employees.” Barbara Kaplan, Mississippi State University, and Luísa Camacho, US FDA National Center for Toxicological Research, co-chaired the colloquium. Presentations included: ...
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The Society has learned that longtime member James D. Yager Jr., PhD, passed away on July 14, 2024. Over the course of his career, Dr. Yager served and/or held administrative roles at Dartmouth College and Medical School, New York University, and the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Dr. Yager contributed greatly to the understanding of estrogen carcinogenesis. Members are encouraged to read Dr. Yager’s obituary . This blog serves as an announcement of the member’s passing. Family, friends, and colleagues are welcome to develop a more detailed tribute for publication by SOT. #InMemoriam #Member
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Do you work with a postdoc who deserves a shout out (i.e., a public note of appreciation) during National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW)? NPAW is September 16–20, 2024, and the SOT Postdoctoral Assembly is collecting submissions from members to feature on social media and in the Postdoctoral Assembly’s newsletter, the Post-y . The contributions of postdoctoral scholars are vital to SOT and to the field of toxicology, and we want to take this opportunity to shine a spotlight on them. This year’s theme for NPAW is “Celebrate, Empower, Appreciate.” Your shout out can celebrate a postdoc’s recent achievements, empower postdocs in the field of toxicology, or ...
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Got a great idea for a Tiny Tox Talk? We want to hear it! Propose a topic and speaker (self-nominations are welcome!) for the 2025 SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo. Just fill out the 2025 Tiny Tox Talk Proposals Form by Thursday, September 12. Tiny Tox Talks are bite-sized presentations, lasting no more than 20 minutes including Q&A, delivered by SOT members in the cozy, semi-enclosed Tiny Tox Theater in the ToxExpo. With seating for about 50 people, these sessions are designed to be informal, interactive, and fun! The theater comes fully equipped with a large monitor, laptop, microphone, and flip chart. All you need to bring is your Tiny Tox ...
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Downtown Manhattan skyline taken from “The Edge,” a building in uptown Manhattan The SOT Graduate Intern Fellowship in Toxicology (GIFT) Award provided me with an exceptional training opportunity and helped me take steps forward in my scientific career. During May and June 2024, I completed an internship with Dr. Michael Aschner’s lab at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, New York. Dr. Ashner’s group trained me to use Caenorhabditis elegans ( C. elegans ) as a model for hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] neurotoxicity. During my training, I gained hands on experience with an incredibly useful model while taking strides toward completing my ...
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The Society has learned that longtime member Young Soo Choi passed away. Dr. Choi was born in Korea, received her graduate education in the US, and had a distinguished career at the US Food and Drug Administration. In 2008, Dr. Choi made a generous contribution to the SOT Endowment Fund to establish a fund that bears her name . This fund provides a lump sum scholarship for graduate training in toxicology to a Korean student (either having been born in Korea or, if born in the United States, having one or more parents of Korean descent) and bestowed its first scholarship in 2010. This blog serves as an announcement of the member’s passing. Family, ...
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The Society has learned that longtime member Barbara Hales, PhD, passed away on July 12, 2024. Dr. Hales was the James McGill Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at McGill University and was a leading expert on the impact of teratogens and environmental chemicals on human health. Dr. Hales was an engaged SOT member, serving on Committees for the Society and its Component Groups, and she was a contributor to the SOT Endowment Fund. Members are encouraged to read Dr. Hales’s obituary . This blog serves as an announcement of the member’s passing. Family, friends, and colleagues are welcome to develop a more detailed tribute ...
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How does toxicological testing deal with the ever-increasing number of new chemicals in an ethical, safe, cost-effective, and coordinated manner? Over the last two decades, there has been a paradigm shift in thinking, which has pushed forward the need to replace or reduce conventional animal in vivo toxicity studies with new alternative methodologies (NAMs). Much progress has been made in this regard. However, from a risk assessment and regulatory perspective, there remains many questions that need to be addressed empirically and strategies to discuss before NAMs-based approaches can be effectively implemented. Presentations revolving around these questions ...
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A few months ago, SOT Council shared some proposed changes to the SOT Constitution and Bylaws with the membership for feedback. We extend our thanks to everyone who provided their thoughts and suggestions. Now, Voting Is Underway! The SOT voting members (Full, Emeritus Full, and Retired Full members) are currently voting on five proposed changes, which are summarized in this blog and also are available on the “ Constitution and Bylaws ” web page. Due to the number and intricacy of the changes, each proposal is being voted on individually. If you are a voting member and did not receive a ballot, please contact SOT Headquarters . Voting closes ...
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SOT is delighted to announce the opening of Award Season for 2025! This is the time of year when we come together to recognize and celebrate the remarkable achievements of our members who are making a positive impact on the field of toxicology. Celebrating Excellence in Toxicology Each year, the Society honors outstanding scientists through the SOT Awards program. These awards are distributed by various groups within and connected to SOT and often include a stipend or financial support for research. For nomination and application instructions, visit the individual award pages using the search or filter options on the “ Search for SOT Awards ” web ...
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If you are planning on attending the 2024 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference (NDiSTEM) in October or the 2024 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS) in November, please let us know! The SOT Inclusion, Diversity, and Engagement Committee (IDEC) is looking for SOT members to help spread information and encourage interest in the science of toxicology, toxicology careers, and SOT, as well as promote student award opportunities, at these conferences. SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science) works to make sure that those most underrepresented in STEM have the support ...
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Special thanks to Olufunsho Awodele for reviewing and contributing to this blog. I also acknowledge Margaret Khaitsa for reviewing the blog and contributing some of the photographs. A photo of Wilson K. Rumbeiha (center) with the administrative team of the College of Medicine, University of Lagos. Prof. David A. Adewale Oke, Provost (to the immediate right of Dr. Rumbeiha) and Olufunsho Awodele (second from right). In June 2024, I had an excellent opportunity to visit Nigeria, the giant of Africa, on a trip sponsored by SOT as part of the SOT Global Senior Scholar Exchange Program (GSSEP). The goal of this SOT program, which is currently paused, ...
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Many of the webinars hosted by SOT Regional Chapters, Special Interest Groups, and Specialty Sections—collectively known as the SOT Component Groups—are recorded and added to the SOT Video Library so that SOT members and others can watch these valuable presentations at any time. SOT Committees, the Postdoctoral Assembly, and Graduate Student Leadership Committee also host webinars that are recorded. In this blog, you will find a listing of all the recent webinar recordings that have been added to the SOT Video Library . Biological Evaluations for European Union Medical Device Regulation: Challenges, Experiences, and Tips Watch Webinar Hosted ...
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This essay is part of a series designed to celebrate SOT member diversity and showcase the diverse pathways and experiences of its members. Throughout my childhood, my parents advocated the importance of both education and serving my community. In actions and words, they encouraged me to share my time and knowledge through community service projects and peer tutoring. While I wasn’t sure what specific career or field I wanted to pursue as a student, these early experiences led me to seek opportunities where I could share my skills. By sophomore year, I excitedly realized that I wanted to pursue a career that would give me the opportunity to expand ...
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The July 2024 issue of Toxicological Sciences includes a Contemporary Review that discusses what is currently known about how AHR-signaling influences macrophage differentiation, polarization, and function. The issue also features an In-Depth Review that focuses on allergic reactions induced by systemically administered low-molecular weight drugs with an emphasis on drug- and patient-specific factors that could influence the development of drug hypersensitivity reactions. Additionally, a #ToxSpotlight article describes a parameter grouping approach when using physiologically based kinetic models while another #ToxSpotlight article explores how neonatal BDE-99 ...
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Each month, SOT provides an update on activities and events of importance to the toxicology community through the release of the “Around the World of Toxicology” blog. To submit an event, opportunity, or information for consideration for inclusion in the monthly “Around the World of Toxicology” blog, complete the special submission form for “Around the World of Toxicology” items . Please note that only activities by societies and professional associations (i.e., nonprofits) will be considered. If you are an organization or company seeking to promote an event, please submit your activity to the SOT “ Calendar of Events .” Reminders of Upcoming, Previously ...
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Lower counters are part of the design of locations like On-Site Registration and Badge Pickup to accommodate individuals in wheelchairs, scooters, etc. During the SOT Council meeting last week, we unanimously agreed to add “Accessibility” to the Society’s existing “Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” making it a “ Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) .” Thank you to SOT member Annie Jarabek for bringing this issue to our attention. While the word “accessibility” was missing from our previous statement, an effort to make that sure all SOT activities and resources are accessible to all members was not ...
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The SOT Nominating Committee will prepare a slate of nominees for the 2025–2026 elected Officers and elected Committees this fall. Please consider nominating members committed to the SOT mission of “creating a safer and healthier world by advancing the science and increasing the impact of toxicology.” For service on SOT Council, candidates for the offices of Vice President-Elect, Secretary-Elect, and two Councilors will be on the ballot. Additional nominations are needed for candidates to serve on the Awards Committee, Membership Committee, and the Nominating Committee. Nominating Committee candidates will serve as a Past President representative or ...
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This essay is part of a series designed to celebrate SOT member diversity and showcase the diverse pathways and experiences of its members. Everything that I have done in my career has felt like it was “from scratch”—and that is why it has been so fun! I love to bake from scratch. Baking with my great aunt and great grandmother is how I became interested in science. There was a precision, specific order of addition, and always a way to tweak the recipe to get better results. I never reached the career milestones of my great grandmother, who baked more than 1,000 pies in a year during her prime. However, I have enjoyed building toxicology programs ...
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